Sunday, October 9, 2011

Project 1: Examples of Typography - Neon

The title page from an article in Mental Floss magazine in which 10 "ladies of the night" were featured, along with some very interesting tidbits and factoids of their lives.  As much as I would like to have gone out and found some illuminations...I don't feel like getting shot in the city at night.


  1. What I find the most interesting about that text is that -10- has the most importance. I kind of like that because many texts revolving around things like prostitution are written for the shock value. But here I feel like the emphasis on the 10 actually down plays that fact and wants to tell a story. 10 is an extremely modest number, but again its emphasis implies, hey 10 people made a difference and that difference is important. On a similar note, however, I feel that the last part "Altered the fate of the Universe" should have been more emphasized. But I also kind of like that it did not because it professes less EPICness to it that way. It's an interesting choice of emphasis on their part.

  2. Love it. You may also be interested in the work of Tim Noble and Sue Webster ( They are a couple of contemporary artist who do a lot of work with neon.
